"Take care of yourself" - an exhibition by Sophie Calle
at the National Library of France.

One hundred and seven women -actresses, singers, performers, dancers musicians, artists, translators, editors, linguists, psychiatrists, lawyers...- interpret in their own way an affair-breakup letter that Sophie Calle received. The whole exhibition took place not in a gallery but in the reading room of the National Library of France in Paris. Inside the room one could watch the videos of the performances in different languages, read notes and comments on the letter, expert opinions and the viewpoint of a schoolgirl.

«I received an email telling me it was over. I didn’t know how to answer.
It was as if it wasn’t meant for me.
It ended with the words: Take care of yourself. I took this recommendation literally.
I asked a hundred and seven women, chosen for their profession, to interpret the letter in their professional capacity.
To analyze it, provide a commentary on it, act it, dance it, sing it. Dissect it. Squeeze it dry. Understand for me.
Answer for me.
It was a way to take the time to break up.
At my own pace.
A way to take care of myself. »
Sophie Calle

The letter as translated in english.

The shrink's verdict.

Legal response.